
Multi - bellow vacuum cups for food packaging

Diameter 33 mm, with or without support, rubber


Multi - bellow vacuum cups for food packaging
Natural rubber, without support


Multi - bellow vacuum cups for food packaging
Silicone rubber, without support


Multi - bellow vacuum cups for food packaging
Natural rubber, with support


Multi - bellow vacuum cups for food packaging
Silicone rubber, with support


Multi - bellow vacuum cups for food packaging
Natural rubber, without support


Vacuum cup in natural rubber (NR), or silicone rubber (VMQ).

Nickel-plated brass support.

Standard executions

  • VVL-33-N: natural rubber, without support.
  • VVL-33-S: silicone rubber, without support.
  • VVL-33-T-N: natural rubber, with support.
  • VVL-33-T-S: silicone rubber, with support.

Features and applications

They are specifically used in the food packaging sector where the size and the shape of the vacuum cup allow the handling of different shaped and sized packages. The adaptability to different surfaces, including irregular ones or with imperfect flatness, mean that these vacuum cups are suitable for use in various sectors including paper processing for trading cards, labels and sheets of paper and the plastic sector for laminates and small parts.

The effective stroke of the bellows is 9 mm.

See Technical Data for vacuum cups.


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